Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline

Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline

About us

We are a confidential, free, support and signposting helpline service for anyone affected by domestic abuse. Our aim is to improve the lives of those affected by domestic abuse including those seeking help to change their behaviour.  We can also help concerned friends and family members, work colleagues and also professionals such as GPs or social workers, who may have victims with them.

When you call, our well-trained call takers will listen carefully and non-judgmentally to what you tell them and then provide information appropriate to your particular situation. The decision as to what to do next remains with you.

We have contact details for around 170 specialist support services in Hertfordshire that could help you with your specific situation. The Helpline is a registered charity and its services contribute to the countywide drive to reduce DA, FGM, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Abuse and Domestic Homicide under the Herts Sunflower Partnership.

You can contact us by phone on 08 088 088 088 or, if you prefer, email us in confidence on [email protected] but please be careful to cover your tracks.

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